Cyber Congress Club at KB DAV-7 Organised a Sensitisation Session on Cyber Crime" for the students of Classes 8 to 10 with the motive to increase students' awareness of Computers, Websites, and Apps, they use in their lives and to make them understand how to be proactive to make sure that their privacy is being protected.
Sh. Vikas Sangwan, PS-Cyber Crime, Chandigarh, and Mr. Kamaljeet were the distinguished speakers on the occasion. Sh. Vikas Sangwan highlighted the challenges faced by internet users such as OLX Fraud, Online Shopping Fraud, On-line loans, E-Challan Scam and so on. He suggested to the audience different measures such as - to use a strong password, not to accept a friend request from a stranger, avoid video calls or voice calls from unknown mobile numbers, and avoiding using free Wi-fi, hotspots in order to safeguard themselves.

Mr. Kamaljeet laid emphasis on "Awareness is the weapon against Cyber-crime” and shared cyber helpline no 1930 and the National Cyber-crime. Reporting Portal, cyber-crime.gov.in, which was followed by an interactive session.
The students expressed their keenness to know more about the protective measures. Niharika raised a query from Class 10-D “How will we get to know that we are a victim of "fraud?" which was suitably answered by the speaker. Overall it was a enriching Session wonderful and enriching session..
Students' ties to their Alma Mater are lifelong, and do not stop when the students graduate and leave the Organisation. One such alumnus of KB DAV Senior Secondary Public School, Sector. 7 - B, Chandigarh, Mr. Amil Avasthi, of the 2016-17 batch visited his Alma Mater, with a smiling face. Mr. Amil has been pursuing a career in Offensive Cyber Security in Australia, and is on a visit to India. He visited the School campus on 12 September 2023 and was warmly welcomed by Classes X and XI students in the Computer Lab of the School, under the aegis of DAV United Banner.

He was felicitated by the Principal, Mrs. Pooja Prakash Ma'am, and then faced a volley of questions from the eager beavers of Class X. He then made a crisp presentation on "Cyber Bullying and Cyber Crimes", quoting examples of how these crimes affect the targeted victim, and how they get detected within hours by the Cyber Police on an alert. He delved on the categories of Cyber Bullying and shed light on the VPN address and black holes which can be detected easily. He spoke about his Role Model, his challenges and how he achieved his goals in a candid interview room with learners of class XI. Mr. Amil Avasthi has been an asset to the School and the School cherished his visit to its campus.

A first of its own kind, an interactive session titled "BE INSTA WARY" was held for the parents of the learners of the School on 26 August 2023 in B. S. Bahl Hall of KB DAV Secondary Public School, Sector 7 - B, Chandigarh, by the School Cyber Congress Club. A great success that it was, the interaction was aimed at alerting the parents of the learners about the latter's activeness on Instagram, and how it is interfering with the attention span and learning focus. The parents were sensitized about the intensity of the learners' Insta chats.
The parents were requested to stay alert with their child and not to turn their backs towards the child's activities in his spare time. Also the parents were requested to limit the time of their learners on Social Media.
As many as 92 parents made it to the interactive session that ran in 4 consecutive sessions. Some interesting games were a made a part and parent cue form was filled by each parent to answer a few basic questions about their knowledge about their child's activities on social media, especially Instagram. A poem on uses and abuses of social media was recited by some students during the session. Overall it was a successful interaction, and parents vowed to be more wary of their wards.

K.B.DAV Senior Secondary Public School Sector 7, Chandigarh has an active Cyber Congress Club supervised by the Department of Computer Science, which commenced in the year 2020 and organized its fourth season of DESIGNATHON. The school hosted 289 participants coming from 21 different schools. There were six different competitions held through online and offline mode. The tools of Artificial Intelligence, Programming and Animation were the Ethos of this Event. The valedictory event was held with 40 winners and the Chief Guest Mr. Sandeep Joshi, a renowned Artist, Caricaturist and Cartoonist, currently associated with The Tribune graced the occasion. The students indulged in plethora of activities like E- Rivista-Design Digital Magazine, Dive Into Animation, Lets Doodle It, Faites de la Musique- Music Competition, Cineaste and Code-a-Thon. The participants were enthusiastic and creative throughout the journey of this event making.

It is a big success and a memory to be cherished lifelong. The various competitions were on the themes, which dealt with Environmental Concerns, Health & Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Science & Sports.The delicate balance of Experiential Learning and Art Blended Education has been achieved.
KB DAV-7 Organises ‘Designathon-2021’

KB DAV Senior Secondary Public School, Sector 7-B, Chandigarh strongly believes that all children have an instinct for creativity. Along with teaching, the school is committed to unleash the creative potential in all its learners so that they can be Makers, Designers, Artists, and Inventors. To enhance the creative skills through a blend of technology, the Cyber Congress Club of school laid out an array of activities for Tricity Schools for the students of Classes VIII-XII from 07 July 2021 – 21 July 2021. The competition saw creativity exuberating in every piece of art. It was a wonderful opportunity for the students to think out of the box. The competition not only served its sole purpose but spread awareness on various issues, viz, Information on and Importance of Covid Vaccination, Good Postural Benefits, and prevention against addiction to the Technological World among learners.

A spate of activities as Infographic Design Competition, Dive into Animation, eBook Creation, Fabulous Web Bloggers, NN-Nutty Newsitoons and Lumiere was conducted. This array of activities provided students a flexible framework to blend artistic excellence with technology in this social media driven era.
All Competitions were assessed based on rubrics relevant to the Competition like Theme, Creativity & Artistic skills, and Designing Skills. ‘Designathon’ see the participation of 124 participants from Tricity Schools while winners were selected by the honourable Jury Dr. Pooja Sharma, Head-Department of Fine Arts, MCM DAV College for Women, Sector 36-A, Chandigarh; Dr. Sunaina Jain, Assistant Professor, PG Department of English, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh; Ms. Navdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applications, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh; Ms. Deeksha Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applications, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh; Dr. Jasmine, Assistant Professor, PG Department of English, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh. Winners & participants will be awarded with Trophies & Certificates at a later date.
KB DAV-7 Organized ‘Designathon’ - Tri-City DAV Schools Participated in Online Safety Competitions

To encourage creative skills with a blend of technology, the Cyber Congress Club of school laid out an array of activities for Tricity DAV Schools for the students of Classes VIII-XII from 11 July 2020 – 21 July 2020. The Competitions served the purpose of creating awareness regarding Online Safety and Wise Use of Technology among learners.
A spate of activities such as Self-Photomontage, Imagination to Animation, Online Safety Mask, Alph-Art, Digital Poster Competition and Screen Masters were conducted. This array of activities provided students a flexible framework to blend artistic excellence with technology in this social media driven era.
All Competitions were assessed on the basis of rubrics relevant to the Competition as Theme, Creativity & Artistic skills and Designing Skills. Designathon saw the participation of 99 participants from Tricity DAV Schools while winners were selected by the Hon’ble Jury Members, Mr. Sandeep Joshi, National Cartoonist, The Tribune; Dr. Ritika Bansal, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Sciences and Applications, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh; Ms. Deepti Sharda, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Sciences and Applications, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh. Winners & participants will receive Trophies & Certificates.

The day opened with Mr. Harpreet Singh and Ms. Rimple Swami, the computer faculty from the school presenting their talk on the awareness regarding cyber-crime. Mr. Harpreet Singh acquainted the volunteers to the different cyber-crimes that are happening around us, and the unique ways that the swindlers adopt every day to swoop down on our hard-earned money. Ms.Rimple Swami focused more on safety precautions that we must take to keep ourselves safe, as all of us are ‘public’ when we go online, and leave behind our ‘privacy’ and ‘secrecy’. The speakers encouraged the learners to use different and unique passwords to ensure safety of their accounts on social websites so that the hackers cannot sneak into them.
The School Cyber Congress Club took the initiative to sensitize its learners not only be ‘familiar’ and ‘updated’ with latest technology, but also to be ‘aware’ and ‘alert’ about its correct usage through a Special Assembly and a plethora of activities being conducted for the learners from Class 4 to Class 12.
A worthwhile enactment on ‘Cyber Crime’ was presented by the students of classes 8, 9 and 10. It touched the sensitive issues of excessive gaming, hacking of bank account and facebook account, risks involved in e-banking, which compelled the audience to analyse whether they are not over-obsessed with it.
Interactive sessions for class 4 to 12 based on short videos, slogan writing, PPT, quiz, creating a blog, poster making on E-Waste alongwith a special session for teachers on Cyber CrimeCell on the theme”If you suspect Deceit, Hit Delete’ was conducted by class 12 students.

Principal Mrs.Pooja Prakash applauded the efforts of Cyber Congress Club- Teacher members and student members. She expressed her keen faith in the members of Cyber Congress Club to create awareness of computers amongst students and keep on updating them from time to time about the threats of overusing social media and hacking. New members of the club were introduced and decorated with badges.
The winners of various activities were honoured with the prizes and certificates of participation.