Electoral Club  


Celebrating India's Democratic System on International Day of Democracy

“Democracy is not merely a form of government. it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. It is an attitude of respect and reverence towards our fellow men.”- B R Ambedkar

India's vibrant dеmocracy, rootеd in its Constitution, is a cause for cеlеbration on Intеrnational Day of Dеmocracy in the KB DAV Campus on 15th September 2023. With key institutions such as Parliament, thе Supreme Court, and thе Election Commission, India's democracy thrives amidst its divers population. To honor thе principles of justicе, еquality, and pеoplе's participation that define our democratic journey the event was marked under guided Leadership of School Principal Ms Pooja Prakash along with our vibrant KBDAVians commemorated this day by getting along with the Social Welfare Department under Govt. of Karnataka.



Almost 1200 Learners from classes 6th to 12 th were engaged in the reading of THE PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA at 10:00 IST Learners were еncouragеd and guided to emancipate the feeling of Nationalism in both online and offline mode and pledged work on thе continuous development and improvеmеnt of thеir democratic systеms. It sеrvеs as a reminder to evaluate and strеngthеn dеmocratic institutions and procеssеs.




KB DAV-7, Chandigarh witnesses its ‘Ninth Investiture Ceremony’ today investing in its students the responsibilities of Office Bearers for the session 2023-24.  It was a day dipped in a sense of pride, commitment and leadership.  The newly appointed School Senate – Head Boy, Head Girl, the Captains, the Vice-Captains and the Prefects of the Four Houses namely Jasmine, Lotus, Rose and Tulip were decorated with the badges by Principal, Mrs. Pooja Prakash. School Senate Members were selected through Senate Elections where the nominated candidates campaigned, followed by casting of votes through Ballot Paper recreated through the virtual platform. The stakeholders expressed their vision and took an Oath to uphold and respect the school values and ideology and become positive Role Models for their peers and juniors. 

The Principal expressed her faith in the newly elected Senate Members and advised them to think rationally between the Right and the Wrong. She also laid emphasis on strengthening their own belief-systems, fostering self-discipline and building patriotism, morality & Values. She guided the young Torch Bearers of the school to represent and uphold the school values with a sense of pride & to encourage team work and lead by example.



On the occasion, the young learners from classes VIII to XII, who have been selected as the Executive Members and Members of the School Literary Club, Electoral Club, Legal Literacy Club, and Cyber Club were also invested with the badges. 



KB DAV-7 Electoral Literacy Club conducts On-line School Senate Elections 2021

The Electoral Literacy Club of the K.B DAV Senior Secondary Public School conducted On-line Senate elections for the post of Captains and Vice Captains for the Four School Houses today. The Club received an exuberant response from the students of Class IX, X, XII as 75% of the voters came forward to make Online Senate Election Campaign a success!

The School children have proved that they are conscientious voters and went through a two-day process, where the nominated candidates first canvassed online through recorded Video-Links shared on the school website, to woo the voter from Class IX, X and XII. This was followed by a Google Ballot paper containing the names of the candidates in the fry. Finally, the home turned into a Polling Booth on 8 May 2021, during the polling hours of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 

The students from Four Houses namely Jasmine, Rose. Lotus and Tulip contested for the position of House Captain and Vice-Captain.

The future of these contestants is in the hands of 554 Electorate, out of which 414 utilized their Right to Vote and cast their votes on-line in favour of their favourite candidate. The Electoral Process observed 74.7% voting. Overall, it was a great learning and enriching experience for one and all.

The Mandate of this experiential learning, through the School Senate Elections, is now awaited. 

April 29, 2020

KB DAV-7 Electoral Literacy Club conducts On-line School Senate Elections 2020

The Electoral Literacy Club of the K.B DAV Senior Secondary Public School conducted On-line Senate elections for the post of Captains and Vice Captains for the Four School Houses today. The Club received an exuberant response from the students of Class IX-XII as 75% of the voters came forward to make the first of its kind- Online Senate Election Campaign a success!

The School children have proved that they are conscientious voters and went through a two-day process, where the nominated candidates first canvassed online through recorded Video-Links shared on the school website, to woo the voter from Class IX to XII. This was followed by a Google Ballot paper containing the names of the candidates in the fry. Finally, the home turned into a Polling Booth on 29th April 2020, during the polling hours of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 

In total, 21 students from Four Houses namely Jasmine, Rose. Lotus and Tulip contested for the position of House Captain and 19 students for the position of School Vice-Captain.

The future of these contestants is in the hands of 649 Electorate, out of which 485 utilized their Right to Vote and cast their votes on-line in favour of their favourite candidate. The Electoral Process observed 74.7% voting. Overall, it was a great learning and enriching experience for one and all.

The Mandate of this experiential learning, through the School Senate Elections, is now awaited. 

December24,2019 - December30,2019


The day opened with the first session delivered by Mr. Jatin Kumar, the Technical Assistant from the Election Department based in Sector 18, Chandigarh. He introduced the volunteers to the nuances of election and voting processes. With the help of the PPTs and videos, Mr. Jatin made the volunteers aware that voting is not limited to the pressing of the button on a voting machine. It’s a great responsibility with each voter to give the best candidate a chance to lead. His detailed description of the election process intrigued the learners who answered his queries at the end, showing how much they had deeply understood it.

                                                                                                                                                                                    April 29, 2019


KB DAV-7, Chandigarh witnesses its ‘Fifth Investiture Ceremony’ today investing in its students the responsibilities of Office Bearers for the session 2019-20.  It was a day dipped in a sense of pride, humility and leadership.  The newly appointed School Senate – Head Boy, Head Girl, the Captains, the Vice-Captains and the Prefects of the Four Houses namely Jasmine, Lotus, Rose and Tulip were decorated with the badges by  Honourable Principal, Mrs. Pooja Prakash.  The stakeholders expressed their vision and took an oath to uphold and respect the school values and ideology and become positive Role Models for their peers and juniors.  The occasion was graced by the presence of Ex-Senate members of session 2018-19, who handed over the flags to the newly appointed Office Bearers.  The worthy Principal expressed her faith in the power of ‘Service before Self’.  She commended the efforts of Ex-Senate members, who have been upholding high the values of their Alma-Mater.  She guided the young Torch Bearers of the school to work in harmony and craft a productive synergy by not just creating the change but by being the change.


On the occasion, the young learners from classes VIII to XII, who have excelled in literary skills and have a flair for language were also awarded with British Council Membership Cards



April 27, 2019


KBDAV-7 gave its learners experiential learning about the grass root democracy by holding Elections for School Senate for the session 2019-20. The elections were conducted under the supervision of Electoral Literacy Club. The students of Classes IX to XII enthusiastically participated in the event. The students casted their votes in favour of the candidates who have been canvassing for over one week to convince their supporters to vote for them. It was an interesting and learning enriched experience for the students. It equipped younger minds with the knowledge and importance of casting votes. The selected school cabinet members will be officially decorated with the badges in Investiture Ceremony to be held on 29.04.2019 i.e. Monday. 

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